FL: CALL TO ACTION: HB 1085 Moved to new committees: Infrastructure & Appropriations Subcommittee and Infrastructure Strategies Committee

Source: floridaactioncommittee.org 3/16/23

Florida residents, take action quickly!

Major Concerns About This Bill:

  • The bill states that all driver’s licenses and identification cards for people on the registry “shall have printed in the color red all information otherwise required to be printed on the front of the license or identification card.” HB 1085, lines 805-821
  • This bill was passed by a vote of 16 to 2 in the Transportation & Modals Subcommittee on 3.15.2023 as a result of a good deal of misinformation. The sponsor, Rep. Patt Maney, did not seem to fully understand what the correct wording was in the bill relating to the red lettering, nor the decision that came out of the Alabama case.
  • No committee member or analyst seemed to be aware of the court decisions in Alabama and Louisiana.
  • This bill will be moving on to the Infrastructure & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee and the Infrastructure Strategies Committee, which are both in the House of Representatives.

PLEASE Do the Following:

Call all members of the Infrastructure & Appropriations Subcommittee and the Infrastructure Strategies Committee

Click here to read the rest of this action alert on the FAC website

Note: read the comments on the FAC website for recent updates

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The only reason I can see this is for embarrassment and harassment. It must be stopped!

Wow! These kooks are going deeper into the authoritarian regime while the rest of the country seems to be making tiny bits of forward progress.

all we can hope is that florida sinks into the ocean by the melting ice !!

What is red lettering supposed to do?
Is there a button at the bank that when they see red lettering they are supposed to push it and it lets everyone in the building know there is a registrant inside?
If a cop pulls you over and they see the red lettering are they supposed to arrest you for being a registrant?
Is red lettering supposed to somehow supernaturally protect children and others who don’t even see the licenses as if some strange shield emanates from the red lettered driver’s license and surrounds the people that are close to the registrant?
What a joke!!
There is no protective purpose in this whatsoever.

I don’t know if Florida is a stop and ID state, but if it isn’t, how is the red lettering going to protect anyone?
Michigan is not a stop and ID state and the only time one is legally required to carry ID is when operating a motor vehicle. There is no law here that requires a person to carry an ID when walking, jogging, riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle, etc. There is also no laws that state a person here is required to produce ID other than being lawfully pulled over by a police officer while operating a motor vehicle.
The majority of businesses here that sell alcohol don’t even ask for ID if you appear to be over 21.
So how is this red lettering going to protect anyone? The answer is it won’t. Its only purpose is to further shame people.

I remember a major porn shop in Madison called “Red Letter News.” This is how DeSantis gets off in Floriduh

Last edited 1 year ago by J. Brown

whacky woke state

I am in Florida and I have a friend who was using his passport card as a ID and a Bar actually refused his entry saying it must be a Florida DL or ID can you imagine the embarrassment at banks,Mortgae closings! Notary etc this is absolutely punishment and harassment Florida must be sued